<aside> 👋 Hi! We’re glad to see you here.
Fill out the form below to sign up and keep scrolling for more details 😎
<aside> 💡 For less than 30 minutes of your time every month, you’ll be receiving a host of rewards ✨
⭐ Exclusive early access to our free resources for sellers like you!
⭐ An absolutely free standard .Store domain, valid for one whole year.
⭐ A $5 reward for filling up all the short surveys we send to you.
⭐ A $25 reward for every interview you complete with us.
Let’s go through the process, step-by-step:
Step 1: Sign up using the form below.
Step 2: Our team may reach out with a few questions to check if you are eligible for the collective.
Step 3: You pass the eligibility check and are inducted into the program.
Step 4: You reap the benefits of being part of the collective!
So let's get, set, and go 🏁
Fill out the simple form above to register, and check out the FAQ section at the bottom for more details 😎
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